Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weigh in - 2

Happy Canada Day!!!

The fireworks just finished - ah - the pretty colours, the loud bangs! And just off of my balcony.

Weigh in day was today. I'm down another 5.1 lbs. I'm liking the 9 day weeks that I have decided to use for weigh in. I was feeling a lot of pressure (of course put on myself by me) with the normal 7 day week. But I could never weigh in at the same time if I weigh myself every 7 days, and I always retain water when I'm working my stretch. So that means I'm down a total of 12 lbs! Yay. I celebrated this morning by going for a bike ride. Okay, so far, that really isn't much of a celebration - I still need to build up a lot of strength for it to be fun, but I loved being outside and getting some sun!

I got back on track after the sushi distaster. If I could just figure out what was driving me to overeat. But at least it wasn't junk food. Just a lot of white rice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay!!! I'm proud of you. What a great loss. And I think you're really onto something with the 9 day work week.