WOW!!!!!!! I lost a lot of weight this past week! I was looking back at what I posted, and I think I only posted when I was having a bad moment. Most of this week was really good. I have to remember to post when I'm feeling like I did something right. Because then, when I say I lost 7.2 lbs... it would be more believable. But I really did lose 7.2 lbs! (I felt like I should have lost more last week, but maybe I wasn't getting enough sleep).
So this morning, I got up, weighed in, and then did a 30 minute aerobic DVD - I had lots of fun dancing around. And then I looked outside and saw it was so nice out, I just had to go for a walk. And yes - I did buy tater tots, but not really in celebration - more because I have been craving them for 4 or 5 days. And I bought the small bag. And that was the only treat that I bought. Everything else was healthy - veggies, yogurt, milk and fruit. So I did spurge today. But I'm drinking lots of water and I exercised a lot. And tomorrow - I'm going to carry on with the good habits.
(I think I need to reward myself - I have now lost 42.6 lbs. I should celebrate passing the 40lb mark...)
When I weighed myself this morning, I totally didn't believe the scale and I stepped on and off a few times. And then to be on the safe side, I recorded the higher weight. The scale originally was down almost 10 lbs. Which is frustrating because then I'm not sure if I can really trust my scale! But either way - I'm pretty happy!!!!
hip hip hooray! congrats!
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