Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday's Busy workday

Intake: 1706, Burned: 3561: Balance 1855
I had a busy day at work. I was walking all over the place. And it started as soon as I got to work and didn't stop all day. I took the stairs several times more that I have done in the past month. I actually beat my current record for number of steps taken. Last week when I went for an hour and half walk and then went to the grocery store, I ended up with slightly over 12000 steps. Yesterday (with only the walking around at work) I walked 13042 steps. And I also had my highest average calories burned per minute (METs) compared to any day that I have been wearing this armband. It feels pretty good. I even stopped to pick up some sushi after work (I only had a little bit and tried to pick the healthiest that I could) as well as a whole watermelon (well, one of those little mini watermelons). So it wasn't even a perfect eating day. But it sure helps when you move so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job!