Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weigh in 8

After getting off nights yesterday - I decided that it would be healthier to go for a walk then sit in front of the TV for the night. So I ended up going on a 90 minute walk! Once I got going, it was easier - thanks in part to my new upbeat music. It felt good.

Today was the work golf tournament. I'm not much of a golfer. But I enjoy getting out there and having fun. And it was a glorious day for golfing - slight breeze, sunny but not too hot, and a great team to play with. One of the women I golfed with is very experienced and a couple of her tips totally improved my game. And it felt fun - not competitive at all (I was a little worried about people needing to win). Our team came in 4 out of 6 teams.

And then weigh in this morning. I'm down 1.9 lbs! Which is absolutely perfect. I did have sushi this evening and then ice cream - but I'm back on the wagon tomorrow. Actually, I'm back on the wagon right now (starting to change my attitude about having bad days - it is not a bad day - only a bad moment. The next moment can be great). No cheating. And I might even work in a swim tomorrow. But there are only so many beautiful days of summer left - I should try to squeeze in some more vitamin D. So maybe that will be a walk instead.

(Can you believe it - weigh in #8 and I'm down a total of 26.2lbs! Granted, that is not 8 weeks. I am weighing in every 9 days or so because that makes more sense with my schedule. Now I just have to think of a reward for hitting the -25lb mark... any suggestions?)


Anonymous said...

So proud of you! You really rock! How about some bling, like a new necklace and earrings? Or a trip to Saskatchewan??? (:

Unknown said...

I was thinking flowers again. I do love me my flowers. But bling works. Definitely.

I'm glad you had fun at the golf tournie. Wish I saw you more.

Myra said...

Ladies - good ideas. I did get a new necklace (a woman was selling some she made at work) but it was just before I weighed in. I wasn't thinking of it as a reward. I just liked the necklace. Maybe I should think about it as a reward and not an impulse buy...