Thursday, November 18, 2010

And a few more stairs....

Yesterday (the first really cold day of the season) the fire alarm went off. Normally, I wait to see if the fire trucks are coming (being on the 27th floor, I have a good view of them coming) and then I wait a little longer to see if they leave right away. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I have never left my apartment when the alarm has gone off. And yes, it normally goes off between 2 and 4am. But yesterday - it went off at 6 in the evening. And after doing so many stairs the day before, I decided that I was going to walk all the way down. Which I did. My knee was only slightly achy on the last few flights, but I was more dizzy that sore (and dizzy from going down in circles, not out of breath dizzy). And then today (which I was worried about being unable to walk) was totally fine. I actually forgot for the first few hours of the day about watching out for aches and pains. Cool, eh?

(Okay, so I can't claim of walking up all 27 flights - I did use the elevator going up, but someday I'll get to the point where the thought of climbing all the way up doesn't scare me.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As someone who has lived on the 25th floor of a building when all the power went out for days and we had to be evacuated - which involved climbing up the stairs to my apartment twice - I would advise that you continue to make the effort to do those stairs! Not only is it great exercise, it will make that type of situation much, much easier.