Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Still raining

I had a great swim this morning. And then off to coffee with a friend. I walked there - 15 minutes. It was only lightly raining. I can't say enough about nonfat lattes. I think I may need to invest in a espresso machine. There is nothing more comforting than drinking a cup of foamed milk with a rich coffee flavour (I do like my coffee). While we were there, they had to grind up a bunch of coffee - that smell of freshly ground coffee totally takes me back to the days when I worked at Starbucks - love that smell.

The walk home - I got drenched! I stopped at Chapters, 'cause a birthday gift certificate was burning a hole in my pocket. Got some fun books! I only got a few more blocks before I ducked into the drug store to try and wait out the worst of the downpour. And who can past up buying something at a drugstore? Not me (it is one of my weaknesses - in fact - week 2 reward was some new shampoo and conditioner). And then I only got as far as Safeway before I had to duck into somewhere again. It is a good thing there are a couple of very close grocery stores - I have to stock up on fresh fruits and veggies several times a week.

So now - I have a lot of reading to do!


Unknown said...

This picture makes me smile.

Schaffer said...

It looks like you are either very proud of your books... or your hair... Both look very nice! BTW I've got an espresso machine with your name on it. Just used it 10mins ago... interested?