Saturday, June 26, 2010

A lot of packing in the morning

I'm trying something new for the next few days of work. Normally I get a breakfast and lunch packed for work and by the time I get home - I'm quite hungry. So today (and tomorrow) I packed breakfast, lunch, and supper to eat at work. Which means I'm either eating supper at 4 or 5 in the afternoon - pretty early. But I'm going to use the time after work to go for a walk. That way, I'm not eating really late in the day and then crawl into bed. I know there are two theories out there - one being that you shouldn't eat for 3 hours before bed and the other that as long as you don't overeat your calorie limit for the day, it doesn't matter when you eat. I think I believe the 2nd one, but I usually don't keep track of the food eaten later in the evening. So I'm just going to try to not have a big meal before I go to bed and see if I feel better this work stretch. It can't hurt to try, eh?

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